BOJ - 9735 - 삼차 방정식 풀기
```python import sys from decimal import *
```python import sys from decimal import *
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys def solution(): _discount = {“Mugunghwa” : 0, “ITX-Saemaeul” : 0, “ITX-Cheongchun” : 0, “S-Train” : 0.5 , “V-Train” : 0.5} _city...
```python import sys def solution(): _INF = 1e9 N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
```python def solution(): N = int(input())
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
import sys L, R, A = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()) print(min(L+A, R+A, L+R+A >> 1) * 2)
```python import sys
```python import sys, math
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from copy import deepcopy from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys, math
```python import sys, math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def Contact(index, state, N): if(state == -1): print(“NOISE”) return
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): while True: N = int(input()) if N == -1: break
```python import sys
```python import sys
print(int(input()) ** 0.5 * 4)
```python import math def fact(n): a = 1 for i in range(1, n+1): a = a * i return a
print(int(input()) ** 0.5 * 4)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import heapq
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math import heapq
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math import heapq
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from decimal import * import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys _INF = 1e9
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import defaultdict
```python import sys _INF = 1e10
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys _INF = 1e10
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys _INF = 1e10
```python import sys import heapq
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys from decimal import Decimal A, B = map(str, sys.stdin.readline().split()) A, B = Decimal(A), Decimal(B) c = Decimal(“299792458”) ret = (...
```python import sys import math
```python import sys import math
```python import sys _INF = 1e9 def solution(): N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()) dist = [] maps = [] for _ in range(M): ...
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys _INF = 1e9 def solution(): M, N = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()) matrix = [[_INF for _ in range(26)] for _ in range(26)]...
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys import math
```python import sys
```python import sys import math
```python import sys import math
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) arr = [] for _ in range(9): arr.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
```python def solution(): N = int(input())
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
def solution(): a, b = map(int, input().split()) people = list(map(int, input().split())) party = a * b for i in people: print(i - pa...
```python def solution(): H, Y = map(int, input().split())
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) idx = 64 while N % 2 == 0: N //= 2 idx -= 1 print(idx)
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) bit = 1 if N < 0: print(32) elif 0 <= N < 2: print(1) else: count = 0 while bit <= N:...
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque dx = [0, 0, 1, -1] dy = [1, -1, 0, 0]
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop INF = 1e9 def Dijkstra(K, graph, V): heap = [] distance = [INF] * (V +1) distance[K] = 0...
```python import sys INF = sys.maxsize
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys INF = sys.maxsize
```python import sys import heapq
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python _INF = 1e9 def solution(): N = int(input()) Floyd = [[_INF for _ in range(52)] for _ in range(52)]
```python import sys
```python import sys _INF = 1e9
```python _INF = 1e9 def solution(): N = int(input()) Floyd = [[_INF for _ in range(26)] for _ in range(26)]
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys def solution(): N = int(input()) ip = [] for _ in range(N): ip.append(sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(‘.’))
```python def getPartialMatch(P): pLength = len(P)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import heapq
```python import sys import heapq
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) number = list(map(int, input().split()))
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python retMax = -1e9 retMin = 1e9
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python def solution(): coin = [] N, K = map(int, input().split(‘ ‘)) coin.append(0) for _ in range(N): coin.append(int(input()))
```python room = int(input())
```python import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10**9)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
def solution(): N = int(input()) if ((N - 1) % 5 + 1) == 2 or ((N - 1) % 5 + 1) == 5: print('CY') else: print('SK') solution()
```python import sys from collections import Counter
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from heapq import heappush, heappop
```python import sys import copy from collections import deque
```python import sys import heapq
def solution(): N = int(input()) if N % 7 == 0 or N % 7 == 2: print('CY') else: print('SK') solution()
```python import sys
```python def solution(): string = str(input()) bomb = str(input())
```python import sys import itertools
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys, math
```python import sys, math
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def recursive(arr, N, x1, y1, x2, y2): if N == 2: ret = [] for i in range(x1, x2): for j in range(y1, y2): ...
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) arr = list(map(int, input().split())) money = int(input()) left, right = 0, max(arr)
```python import sys, math
```python import sys
```python import sys INF = 314152965 def solution(): N, M, T, D = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
```python import sys, math
```python from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
```python import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(20_000)
```python import sys, math
```python import sys, math mod = 1000000007
a=int(input()) for i in range(1,a+1): print("*"*i)
```python import sys from math import *
```python def drawFirstLastLine(N): for i in range(4 * N - 3): if N <= i <= 3 * N - 4:print(“ “, end=””) else: print(“*”, end=””) ...
```python def recursive(n, index, Star): if n == 1: Star[index][index] = ‘’ Star[index + 1][index] = ‘’ Star[index + 2][index] = ...
```python def recursive(N, Star, startCol, startRow, endCol, endRow):
```python import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 9)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys def solution(): line = [] K, N = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
```python import sys
def solution(): N = int(input()) value = 666 while N: if '666' in str(value): N -= 1 value += 1 print(value ...
```python from collections import deque
```python import sys
import sys A, B, C = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()) print(A+B+C)
```python import sys from collections import Counter
```python from collections import deque
```python KeyBoard = { “1” : “`”, “2” : “1”, “3” : “2”, “4” : “3”, “5” : “4”, “6” : “5”, “7” : “6”, “8” : “7”, “9” : “8”, “0” : “9”, “-“ : “0”, “=” : “-“...
```python def solution(): variables = str(input())
```python def solution(): H, W = map(int, input().split()) Map = [] for _ in range(H): Map.append(list(str(input())))
```python def solution(): L = int(input()) string = input() ret = 0 for i in range(L): ret += (ord(string[i]) - 96) * (31 ** i) print(ret % 12...
```python def solution(): cnt = 1 while True: N = int(input()) if not N: break array = []
```python def solution(): count = int(input()) if count == 1: print(“1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.”) print(“Take on...
alphabet = [ ' ', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ] ...
```python def solution():
```python def solution(): S = str(input())
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = int(input())
```python import sys
```python from collections import deque import sys
def solution(): idx = 2 while True: word = str(input()) if word == "Was it a cat I saw?": break print(word[::idx]...
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python def solution(): fibo =[0, 1, 1] for i in range(1, 80): fibo.append(fibo[i] + fibo[i+1])
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
N = int(input()) print(N - 543)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python from collections import deque import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) Seat = str(input()) data = [‘*’] flag = False for i in range(N):
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) div = 10 while N > div: if N % div >= div // 2: N += div N -= (N % d...
```python def solution(): A, B = map(str, input().split(‘ ‘))
```python def solution(): ret = 0 for i in range(4): Puzzle = list(input()) for j in range(4): if Puzzle[j] != ‘.’: ...
```python import sys
```python def solution(): R, C = map(int, input().split(‘ ‘)) A, B = map(int, input().split(‘ ‘))
```python def solution(): alphabet = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘o’, ‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘t’,...
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = str(input())
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python def solution(): dataX = [] dataY = [] for _ in range(3): x, y = map(int, input().split(‘ ‘)) dataX.append(x) da...
```python from collections import deque import sys
```python import sys
```python def GCD(x, y): mod = x % y while mod > 0: x = y y = mod mod = x % y return y
```python def solution(): H, W = map(int, input().split())
```python def solution(): A, B, C = map(int, input().split()) I, J, K = map(int, input().split())
```python import sys
```python Alphabet = ‘ABCDEFGH’
```python import sys
```python def solution(): data = [] for _ in range(10): data.append(int(input()))
```python def solution(): data = list(map(int, input().split(' ')))
```python import sys import heapq
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) data = [] Stack = [] ret = []
```python def solution():
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys import heapq
```python def solution(): data = list(map(int, input().split())) N = min(data)
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys
```python import sys from queue import Queue
solve = sum
```python import sys
```python def solution(): N = int(input()) stair = []
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys
```python import math
```python import sys
```python import sys from collections import deque
```python import sys from collections import deque
Java Junit5 Assert 함수 정리
JDK 17 New Features
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디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Visitor Pattern
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Python 3.10의 새로운 기능
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Python 3.8의 새로운 기능
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디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Mediator Pattern
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디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Iterator Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Interpreter Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Command Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Chain of Responsibility Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Proxy Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Flyweight Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Facade Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Decorator Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Composite Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Bridge Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Adapter Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Singleton Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Prototype Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Factory Method Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Abstract Factory Pattern
디자인 패턴 톺아보기 - Builder Pattern
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Java 8 Stream API 살펴보기 -1- Stream 생성하기
Python은 C언어에서 사용하는 struct를 사용할 수 없습니다.
공공데이터 포털을 이용했습니다.
사용할 디렉토리 예시
Case 1
equals() 메소드는 비교자하는 대상의 내용 자체를 비교하지만, == 연산자는 비교하고자 하는 대상의 주소값을 비교합니다.
Abstract Class
[Python] 문자열의 메모리 할당 방식
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[리뷰]자본론: 정치경제학 비판 (제1권(상))
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[리뷰]나츠메 소세키 - 풀베개
[리뷰]나츠메 소세키 - 도련님
[리뷰]나츠메 소세키 - 마음
[리뷰]소년과 개
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[리뷰]수레바퀴 아래서
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[리뷰]노인과 바다
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[리뷰]알쓸신잡 SEASON 1 - 알아두면 쓸데없는 신비한 잡학사전
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MTBF, MTTR, MTTF 설비 보전의 신뢰성 지표로 사용합니다. 이는 하드웨어 제품 또는 구성 요소의 성능, 장비 설계, 신뢰성 및 안전에 대한 중요한 유지관리 조치입니다.
현 포스트에서는 해시 함수에대해 간략하게만 살펴보겠습니다.
Routing Protocol 개념
지그비(Zigbee) 소개
OSI 7 Layer
Load Balancing 개념
AJP Protocol
Static Page / Dynamic Page
Protocol Stack 이란
세마포어와 뮤텍스, DeadLock과 같은 개념을 모르신다면 프로세스와 스레드와 임계영역포스트를 보고오시면 됩니다.
세마포어와 뮤텍스, DeadLock과 같은 개념을 모르신다면 프로세스와 스레드와 임계영역포스트를 보고오시면 됩니다.
Synchronous / Asynchronous
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
공개 키 암호 방식 (Public-Key Cryptography)
가상 메모리
프로세스 스케쥴링(Process Scheduling)
메모리 관리 배경
프로세스 vs 스레드
SQL(Structed Query Language)
컴파일러 언어 vs 인터프리터 언어
응용 계층 (Application Layer)
먼저 kruskal과 prim알고리즘을 알기전에 MST를 알아야 합니다.
플로이드-워셜 (Floyd-Warshall)
데이터 링크 계층 (Data Link Layer)
스택 (Stack)
전송 계층(Transport Layer)
네트워크 계층(Network Layer)
구조체 크기를 구하기전 구조체와 자료형 크기에 대해서 정리를 하고 시작하겠습니다.
MVC (Model - View - Controller)
CI (지속적인 통합, Continuous Integration)
TDD Test-Driven Development(TDD)는 매우 짧은 개발 사이클의 반복에 의존하는 소프트웨어 개발 프로세스이다. 우선 개발자는 요구되는 새로운 기능에 대한 자동화된 테스트케이스를 작성하고 해당 테스트를 통과하는 가장 간단한 코드를 작성한다. 일단 테스트 통과하는...
REST 월드 와이드 웹(World Wide Web a.k.a WWW)과 같은 분산 하이퍼미디어 시스템을 위한 소프트웨어 아키텍처의 한 형식으로 자원을 정의하고 자원에 대한 주소를 지정하는 방법 전반에 대한 패턴
OOP(Object Oriented Programming)
Network 구성
Anchor Peer
Hyperledger Fabric Nonce
Gossip Protocol
CA(Certificate Authority)
PoW (작업증명, Proof of Work)
Public BlockChain
기존 포스트 까지는 orderer의 타입을 solo로와 kafka 놓고 진행했습니다. 이번 포스트에서는 raft를 이용해서 만들어 보겠습니다.
기존 포스트 까지는 orderer의 타입을 solo로 놓고 진행했습니다. 이번 포스트에서는 kafka를 이용해서 만들어 보겠습니다.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yaml up
Network 구성
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml up
Network 구성
이 포스트는 Hyperledger Korea User Group에서 만든 글을 바탕으로 만들었습니다.
Intro 회사에서 1인 1자격증 취득하라고 하여 취득하게 되었습니다. Azure 2개가 생긴 기념으로 더 채워보고 싶은데, 다음에는 AZ-400 도전 해보겠습니다. 시험 내용 The English language version of this exam was upd...
이 포스트를 읽으시는 분은 소프트웨어 마에스트로에 대해 많은 관심이 있을거라고 생각합니다.
사진은 추후 업데이트 하겠습니다. !
SW Maestro 연수생 일정
JSTL 문법 톺아보기 -5- JSTL functions
JSTL 문법 톺아보기 -4- JSTL XML
JSTL 문법 톺아보기 -3- JSTL sql
JSTL 문법 톺아보기 -2- JSTL fmt
JSTL 문법 톺아보기 -1- JSTL core
Spring Boot Banner 문구 변경하기
Spring Boot AOP 를 이용하여 로그를 작성하고 ELK 스택 연동 -1-
Spring Boot AOP 를 이용하여 로그를 작성하고 ELK 스택 연동 -2-
Spring Boot Tiles 설정하기
VM (Virtual Machine)
Install Docker
이전에 Goorm을 사용했는데 Docker를 보안상의 이유로 사용을 제한해 놨습니다. 그래서 부득이하게 Docker로 배포하는 부분만 AWS에서 작업하겠습니다.
개발하기에 앞서 여기서 개발 제휴 신청을 하시고 진행하셔야 합니다.
기존 개발 시스템
환경 구성은 아래 1, 2 를 모두 해결하신 후 진행하시면 되겠습니다.
Wildfly Standalone 방식으로 설정하겠습니다.
Load Balancing 에 대한 개념을 모르신다면 Load Balancing 포스트를 보시면 됩니다.
WEB 과 WAS 의 차이와 개념을 정확하게 모르신다면 WEB / WAS 의 차이 포스트를 보시면 됩니다.
netstat Overview
traceroute Overview
Intro 회사에서 1인 1자격증 취득하라고 하여 취득하게 되었습니다. Azure 2개가 생긴 기념으로 더 채워보고 싶은데, 다음에는 AZ-400 도전 해보겠습니다. 시험 내용 The English language version of this exam was upd...
Intro 회사에서 1인 1자격증 취득하라고 하여 취득하게 되었습니다. Azure 2개가 생긴 기념으로 더 채워보고 싶은데, 다음에는 AZ-400 도전 해보겠습니다. 시험 내용 The English language version of this exam was upd...
홈브루(Homebrew)는 자유-오픈 소스 소프트웨어 패키지 관리 시스템입니다. 개발자 입장에서 맥 OS 를 사용하면 얻게되는 큰 이점중 하나가 이 Homebrew 입니다.